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Webinars and events Bespoke online workshop: Wellbeing for leaders through collaboration

Wellbeing through collaboration

Bespoke online workshop: Wellbeing for leaders through collaboration

What are we learning about how staying connected and nurturing collaboration sustains the wellbeing of leaders?

We know the stress and pressure on school leaders and staff over the last year has been immense. We've heard time and again how collaboration with trusted peers has really helped school leaders navigate ongoing uncertainty, challenge and high stakes decision-making by nurturing a sense of community, agency and connection both within and between schools.

We've co-developed a bespoke, two-hour virtual workshop with GwE, the School Effectiveness and Improvement Service in North Wales, designed to help partnerships of schools maximise the positive impact of their collaborative working.


Purpose of the session

The aim of this 2-hour zoom session is to support school leaders by maximising the positive impact of collaborative working throughout times of significant change and turbulence. It will provide an opportunity to:

+ recognise how connections and collaborations have already sustained us as leaders

+ explore how we collectively cultivate our sense of agency and remain balanced and positive in the face of significant challenge

+ consider how collaboration can further cultivate and strengthen our leadership resilience and indeed is a necessity

+ explicitly link collaboration and its benefits to the wider and long-term development of schools as learning organisations



Senior leaders and headteachers in current SPP partnerships


Total price: £400 + VAT

This session is available standalone or as a Sustain Phase module - visit the Our programme page or contact us to discuss your options.

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