More capacity and refresher training dates released Are you an improvement champion or peer reviewer? Book your place to help you get the most out of your SPP role.
Webinars and events Spring term 2021 training

Dates for your diary - Spring 2021

Spring term 2021 training

These trainings sessions are for all schools taking part in the EEF evaluation of SPP. During your recent workshops, you told us what would be the most useful training to you. Those comments have underpinned the planning of these Spring sessions.

Many of you were aiming to start your peer review cycles in the early part of the Spring term, with many trying out the wholly virtual model – we will be following up to find out how that goes so we can share learning with others. Remember, there are resources in the member resources area of the website to support your reviews and we are here to help if you have any questions.

(Please note: All of the following sessions are optional, open to all and are in addition to the core workshops that have been planned for you as partnerships, which you will also need to register for individually.)

Peer Reviewer and Improvement Champion training

Many of you would like to train more Peer Reviewers and Improvement Champions or refresh your own training, so we are offering sessions that allow anyone to access that training nationally. These are open to all and optional.

It is recommended that colleagues who are completely new to the process and are training as new Reviewers or Improvement Champions attend Part A of the Peer Review training to get an overview of the principles and practices of SPP prior to attending one of the role-specific sessions.

Here are the details of each session. Click a date to register.

Peer Reviewer and Improvement Champion training - PART A

Purpose: Principles and practices of SPP peer review. For colleagues new to schools who are joining review teams or for anyone who would like a refresher.

Tuesday 19 January, 9.30am-11.30am


Monday 22 February, 9.30am-11.30am

Peer Reviewer training - PART B

Purpose: Training for new Reviewers, or current Reviewers who would like a refresher, or to find out more about virtual reviews and the materials to support.

Tuesday 19 January, 1pm-3pm


Monday 22 February, 1pm-3pm

Improvement Champion training - PART B

Purpose: Training for new Improvement Champions (ICs) or current ICs who would like a refresher or to find out more about carrying out virtual workshops and the materials to support.

19 January CANCELLED - Next session 22 February

Monday 22 February, 1pm-3pm

(Optional follow-up session for ICs on Friday 28 January and Tuesday 2 March at 4pm-5pm.)

Help to focus your peer review on specific areas

Many of you would also like support to focus your peer review on tackling certain areas of immediate need, so we are developing two more sets of research-based enquiry questions to help – one on assessment and meeting of need, the other on tackling disadvantage. We will be running a national session on each of these, facilitated by Maggie Farrar, again open to all and optional.

We’ve also scheduled another SPP Partnership Lead Forum, where we hope those who are leading partnerships will join us to deepen their understanding of the role and connect with others nationally.

Assessment and meeting of need

Purpose: Help to contextualise our research-based enquiry questions and continually develop new approaches that suit your setting and meet the changing needs of your children.

Tuesday 9 February, 10am-11am

Tackling disadvantage

Purpose: A fresh look at tackling disadvantage using peer review as a tool to develop your approach – explore this focused enquiry framework with us, newly developed in consultation with Marc Rowland and Essex County Council.

Wednesday 10 February, 2pm-3pm


Don't forget...  A recording of our Rapid Response training session is available here in our member resources area, where we discuss the support, tools and guidance offered to all SPP partnerships so that they can continue to conduct peer review either fully or partially online, with a focus on recovery and the challenges all schools are currently facing.

If you are unsure of any of your partnership's upcoming workshop dates, contact us and we'll provide you with any dates or materials needed.

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