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Webinars and events Termly webinars: An introduction to SPP

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Termly webinars: An introduction to SPP

Whether you are looking into SPP for the very first time, or your school has newly joined the SPP community, or even if you've been with us a while and you're looking to refresh your SPP knowledge, this 30-minute webinar is designed to help you get to know our programme better.

This session will be repeated on multiple dates across each academic year and is available to all who would like to attend, whether currently part of an SPP school or not.

Facilitated by one of our amazing team of SPP Associates, each session will allow time for a Q&A discussion to give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the programme.

Please see below for the dates of our upcoming sessions and how to book.


Future dates are on their way!

Thanks to all those who attended our last session.

Want to know more about SPP?

Thanks so much for those of you who have already attended a session. Contact us for a more in depth discussion about how your setting can benefit from structured peer review. Visit the In Your Area page on our website to find out more about our work in an area near you. And to be kept up to date with upcoming events, research and case studies from colleagues across the country, tick the box to join our mailing list and receive the termly SPP newsletter Collaborate.

Want to talk to us about joining one of our programmes?

Get in touch. We love to talk.

While you're here...

Please do visit the Our programme page, explore our research and insights, and read stories from SPP schools to see what we're all about.

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